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Tech Neck

Tech neck, often referred to as “text neck” is the result of looking down at your phone or technological device for a long period of time. This is typically caused by repetitive neck strain. In our technologically advanced, modern world we spend a great deal of time looking down at our phones, computers, and other media devices. People who have tech neck frequently present with symptoms including aching and stiffness in the shoulders, lower neck, and upper back. Tech neck can also be detrimental to the appearance of the skin. Bending the neck for a long period of time encourages lines and wrinkles to form. So how do we fix Tech neck? And more importantly how do we prevent ourselves from developing it?

We cannot avoid the fact that technology has us looking at our devices frequently. Whether it is scrolling social media, working from home, or reading an electronic book, neck lines have definitely been increased with the use of technology. Tech Neck typically develops in your late 20’s and 30’s so it is important to become aware of the positioning, since it is not easy to get rid of once it appears. 

The first and best tip to prevent tech neck is to be aware of your posture throughout the day. Whether you are enjoying a television show or doing work on your computer, it is important to be mindful of your posture and adjust your seating position. Instead of looking down at the computer screen, adjust your positioning so that the computer is at eye level. This will prevent your neck from bending, creating those neck lines from forming. Another important tip for avoiding tech neck and overall wrinkle prevention is to wear sunscreen. Sun damage from ultraviolet rays is the number one cause of aging. Retinol use is another beneficial skincare ingredient to incorporate into your routine. Retinol can boost the production of collagen and has a wonderful effect on wrinkle reduction. You can read more about retinol products here.  If you have already developed deeper neck lines and are looking for a more invasive treatment, professional options such as Sofwave, can help lift the neck and soften the deep lines. It Sofwave is a non-invasive skin tightening device that rebuilds collagen and targets wrinkles. The treatments are quick, typically lasting about an hour and can reduce lines in a single treatment session, no matter the season, skin type, or skin color. Read more about Sofwave here. 

Tech neck or text neck is real, and our technological devices are not going anywhere. Fortunately, there are many preventable measurements and treatments to avoid getting a tech neck. Remember that prevention is key and treatments can help. If you are interested in Software or have additional questions you can book a consultation here.